Fly Away

Gerald Brennan—composer, lyricist, pianist, singer

She wants to be happy;
He wants to be free.
He doesn’t want the drama
and he’s willing to go to the mat for it.
I wanted a woman to sing this instead of me, but I was handy.
That would reverse the roles, which is how I conceived it,
but I realized that either sex could take a whack at it and it would work.

We’ve always done things together.
Now, it’s just once in a while.
Often when we do, you lose your smile.
But all that changes when we reconcile.

We have a need in our bodies.
Nothing could keep us apart.
When the love is over, you depart,
making me wonder, can you keep my heart?

You like the smiles and attention.
I feel it, too.
Once in a while,
I’ll meet someone.
They cast a spell and
I almost forget you.

Some of us live to be happy.
Some of us live to be free.
You would make our love a passion play,
tearing at the ties that bind.
I would slip the bonds and fly away.
Rather than worry if you want to stay,
I will go.