Classical Music and Recordings

This book is intended as an introduction to the species of art music which we call Classical Music. It contains brief summaries of the most important creators in the artform over the past millennium, the forms it uses, as well as a recommendation for a core collection, notes on how to collect and where, how to stay current, and other topics associated with experiencing fully the art of what we have come to call Classical Music.
This new edition is much expanded and includes comprehensive and helpful chapters about the evolution of the Orchestra, and of Keyboard Instruments. Also a large section on 20 of the greatest conductors in the recording era.
Classical Music is a living, restless art, music that’s too good to die and has proved it; music that has gone through the fires of time and changing tastes and is still available to experience. There is much fine music that has been unjustly forgotten, but there is no music that has lasted for centuries that has been unjustly remembered. If you’re new to this world, come and take your first steps here, and find a path through the weeds and brambles for a journey that will last a lifetime.